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© SRMS, 2023

Updated 2023-08-29 19:20 MSK


Cloud-central Telemetry & Analytics


   The Engineering Constructions Monitoring System (ECMS) displays the readings of sensors that are installed on various engineering structures.

High-rise buildings: bearing structures, building base.

   In buildings higher than 100 m or with a penetration under the ground on more than 15 meters ECMS is used to control the stability of load-bearing structures
   under the influence of natural phenomena and human activities. For this SMTQ sensors are installed with a certain pitch on the supporting structure of the building
   over the entire height and on the slab of building base.

Sports facilities: bearing structures, building base, roofing, advertising design.

   On objects with mass stay people ECMS used to control seismic events, dynamic loads on the roof (snow, rain, wind), pressure of the masses on the rostrum,
   the reliability of mounting of advertising constructions (TV screens, billboards, banners, etc.).

Industrial facilities: bearing structures, building base, roofing, vertical and horizontal constructions (pipes, overpasses, cantilevers, cranes, etc.).

   In industrial facilities, in addition to monitoring seismic and dynamic loads on the roof, ECMS is used to control the impact of production and technological processes
   on the state bearing structures of buildings, as well as vertical and horizontal structures and facilities.

Transport infrastructure: bearing structures (supports), span constructions tubing.

   On transport infrastructure ECMS is used to control the impact of seismic and vibration effects on structures of road, rail and pedestrian overpasses,
   bridges, overpasses and tunnels.

Airports, train stations: building base, supporting structures, large-span roof trusses, boarding platforms and overpasses.

   Is used for monitoring critical elements of bearing structures of buildings sea and river ports, airports, railway stations and subways.

Multifunctional complexes: building base, structural engineering, roofing, advertising design, design elements.

   The multifunctional complex ECMS is the most widely used. This system allows you to monitor seismic events, the dynamic loads on the roof,
   the state of load-bearing structures and large-span roof trusses, promotional items, design elements.

   For more information on options for implementation of MS-BOX software and hardware complex you can go to the website

Transport and Trucking

   Monitoring systems have a wide range of applications in government and commercial organizations.
   At the implementation phase and during the exploitation we take into account the individual requirements of the customer to the system operation.

Benefits: security and lower transport costs.

   Optimization of transport usage in the enterprise at the expense of control on fuel costs, downtime and detect misuse.
   Planning and GPS/GLONASS monitoring traffic routes in real time and the historically.
   Use of the system as a back-up instrument to the previously set monitoring systems to detect acts of vandalism and unauthorized access to transport.

Resources: flexible cost and fast payback.

   Telemetry equipment is supplied at the producer price.
   The customer has its own right to acquire equipment consistent with our specifications.
   Regardless of the complexity of implementing the system, the payback period, as a rule, do not exceed three months, taking into account the monthly subscription
   fee for the use of services for the collection, processing and issuance of technical and analytical information.

Terms of use: Internet access and the availability of cellular communication.

   Tracking the location of the vehicle from any location where you can connect to the Internet via desktop computers, tablets and smartphones.
   Individual rights and prohibitions access to vehicles and system modules.
   Transmission of telemetry data in real time over GSM/GPRS, and in the absence of such a connection can request status and transport location through SMS.

Capability: individual approach to customer specifications.

   Not only the installation, but also the integration of previously installed telemetry third-party hardware devices.
   Possibility of installation of the equipment on the service stations of customer.
   Conclusion of the analytical information, including in the individual forms, at the request of the customer.
   Integration with CRM/ERP systems used by the customer.

The software is provided as a service (SaaS)

   This scheme assumes that you do not need to install software on your computer, and take care of its updating or archiving.
   You get functions of the software which are available via the web interface on the terms of a monthly or annual rent, without restrictions on
   the number of users. Computing power and data storage are located on our servers.

   In cases where security conditions or other reasons do not allow your company to take advantage of remote access to the system, we can implement
   a system directly on your company, guided by pre-agreed conditions for the implementation of the project, followed by after-sales service.